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Wailord are mammalian Pokmon that are well known as the largest Pokmon discovered so far. They are based on whales. They have small beady eyes, a huge mouth, a throat that is lined with grooves and four white spots aligned on its back. It has two pairs of fins along its side and a horizontal tail at the back. It's vaguely shaped like a torpedo or a blimp.
Despite its enormous size, it is able to breed with many land-based Pokmon that are much smaller. This is due to it being in the Field Egg Group, a reference to how whales are classified as mammals.
Wailord are able to take in large amounts of air and dive to incredible depths with just one massive breath. Since it is based on a whale and has a blowhole, it is one of the few Pokmon that are able to use Water Spout. With their large mouths, they are able to eat extreme quantities of food.
Wailord are known to live in large packs, called pods, for traveling as well as finding prey. When chasing prey, Wailord herds them by leaping out of the water and making a humongous splash.
The only habitat that's expansive enough for these gigantic Pokmon is the open ocean.
Despite being so large, they probably feed on some of the smallest creatures in the ocean, swallowing entire schools in a single gulp.
Wailord first appeared in Having a Wailord of a Time. The Float Whale Pokmon was stuck on a beach near a Pokmon Center. Team Rocket tried to haul it away, but a Combusken foiled their plans.
A Wailmer that befriended a man named Robin evolved into a Wailord in Island Time. This Wailord transported Ash and his friends across the ocean until they came across a ship heading for Ever Grande City.
In Leading a Stray!, a family of Wailord appeared. One Wailmer was separated from its family, and Ash helped it get back. By the end of the episode, this Wailmer evolved into a Wailord.
A Wailord appeared in The Road to Humilau! under the ownership of Marlon.
A Wailord appeared in the opening of Destiny Deoxys.
Along with their pre-evolved form, Wailord appeared in Pokmon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea.
A Wailord made a cameo appearance in Giratina and the Sky Warrior.
A Wailord appeared at the beginning of Zoroark: Master of Illusions.
Multiple Wailord appeared in Piplup, Pansage, and a Meeting of the Times!.
In Pokmon Adventures, Sapphire has a Wailord nicknamed Walo. He is kept at sea so that she and her father can use him for sea travel. However, later she returns him to his Pok Ball and carries him as part of her party. Walo was one of the keys to solving the mystery of the Sealed Chamber. While he still belongs to Sapphire, it was not seen in her party during the Emerald chapter, and is assumed to be at sea with her Relicanth, Relo, as of her latest appearance.
Pokmon Ranger: Shadows of Almia: A Wailord is seen in the Sea of Wailord that was trapped by Team Dim Sun. The player must free it by deactivating the traps. Later on in the game, it is seen attacking Kincaid's submarine. After the player captures Darkrai for the fist time, and then goes to Haruba Desert's dock, Wailord will ferry the player to the Capture Arena.
This Pokmon is based on the blue whale, the largest known animal to ever exist. It also resembles a submarine, a blimp, and a torpedo.
Wailord is a combination of whale, wail (referring to the sounds or songs that whales and this Pokmon might make), and lord.
Whaloh is a combination of whale, hoeru (to bellow), and (king).
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Brendan (Japanese: Yki) is the male choice for the player character in Pokmon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, and also serves as the rival in the same games if the player chooses to play as the female character. His female counterpart is May.
If Brendan is selected as the player character he starts his journey moving from his home in Johto to his play with fake pokemon Lambus new home in the town of Littleroot in Hoenn. After saving Prof. Birch from a wild Pokmon, he is given one of the three starters of the Hoenn region. Brendan develops a close bond with May, and eventually Wally, who both act as his rivals. Brendan where appear Stingall goes on to gather the eight Badges of Hoenn, stop the plans of Team AquaSE/Team MagmaRE and conquer the Pokmon League all before going off to face the Battle Frontier (in Emerald).
If Brendan is not selected as the player, he is helping his dad finish the Hoenn Pokdex and becoming a Pokmon Professor. He is also the player's rival and friend. Unlike other rivals (except for May when playing as Brendan), he gives up being a Trainer, making them the only rivals unavailable for battle after defeating the Elite Four. Additionally, they both are the only ones to not evolve their starter Pokmon into its final form.
In the game, two of the optional namesone in Ruby and one in Sapphirerefer to "land" and "sea" respectively. In the English version, these are Landon and Sean; in the Japanese version, Rikuya and Kaito ( riku means land and kai means sea). This is also the case in other languages. Additionally, in the English version, two of the shared namesTerry and Sethseem to be influenced by the same theme.
Brendan's only anime appearances are small cameos in the movies, appearing in the openings of Jirachi: Wish Maker, Pokmon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea and Giratina and the Sky Warrior. Brendan seems to be a competitive battler, as his cameos suggest he spends time in Battle Towers. In all of his appearances, he has appeared with his Ruby and Sapphire outfit.
Like in the games, he has the starter Pokmon that weakens May's (May has a Blaziken while he has a Swampert). It is unknown if his relatives are the same as that of the games, where, as May is Norman's daughter (as the player is), Brendan would be Professor Birch's son. However, Brendan has never been mentioned by him.
The following are Brendan's known Pokmon in Baby Shower Games Ideas the anime:
Shiftry's only known move is Bullet Seed.
Swampert's only known move is Ice Beam.
Rhyperior's only known move is Hammer Arm.
There are three different manga counterparts to Brendan: Ruby from the Pokmon Adventures manga, Ruby from the Pokmon Ruby-Sapphire manga, and Rald from the Pokmon Battle Frontier manga.
Brendan, based on a blue recolor of this character's usual clothes, appears as a common Trainer figure in Next Quest, the launch set of the Pokmon Trading Figure Game. There is also an unreleased figurine based on him from the cancelled Groundbreakers expansion, named Landon (one of the default names for him in Pokmon Ruby and Emerald), who wears the same outfit as Brendan does in Ruby and Sapphire.
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Options are settings that the player can modify to change aspects of the game. They can be accessed by selecting the corresponding choice on the menu in the main series of the Pokmon games. The options differ throughout the various games.
In Generation IV, a Confirm option was also added. It was used to save the Options menu's settings. Pressing B does not save it; in Platinum,
however, the player is prompted to confirm any adjustments made to the settings.
Text Speed is an option that has appeared in every main series game to date. This setting affects the speed in which the text of the game appears. Players can set the text speed to one of three choices: slow, medium, and fast, with medium being the default speed.
Battle Scene is an option that has appeared in every main series game to date. This setting controls the appearance of battle animations, and can be set to on or off.
Battle Style is an option that has appeared in every main series game to date. This setting controls the shifting of Pokmon in-between one Trainer's Pokmon fainting. There are two choices: Shift allows the player to switch to a different Pokmon when the opposing Pokmon faints, while Set will have the next Pokmon immediately sent out. The setting is set to Shift by default, but in a Double or Triple Battle, the battle style will always be Set.
Sound is an option that has appeared in every main series game since Pokmon Yellow. This setting affects how sound is played through the speakers of the game console. The player can choose between Mono and Stereo. Mono sets the sound to one sound channel, so that the same sound comes out of both speakers, while Stereo sets the sound to use two sound channels, so that different sounds may come out of different speakers to give the illusion of sound coming from different directions.
Print is an option that appears in Pokmon Yellow, Gold, Silver, and Crystal. This setting controls the darkness of prints obtained through the Game Boy Printer. The players can set this option to where can i find fake pokemon Elfairy normal, darker, darkest, lightest, or lighter.
Menu Account is an option that appears in Pokmon Gold, Silver, and Crystal. This setting affects whether or not descriptions appear for the menu functions.
Button Mode is an option that appears from Generation III to Generation V, and affects button configuration. In Generation III, the player has a choice of normal, LR, and L=A. In Pokmon FireRed and LeafGreen, the player has an additional choice of help, which brings up information about battles, such as type advantages and disadvantages. In Pokmon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, the help and LR choices are replaced with a Start=X function, where the player can use the Start button instead of the X button to bring up the menu. This choice is removed in Pokmon HeartGold and SoulSilver, leaving just the normal and L=A functions.
Frame is an option that appears from Generation II to Generation IV, and affects the appearance of the border around boxes of text. In Generation II, there are only eight different schemes, but there are 10 in Pokmon FireRed and LeafGreen and 20 in Pokmon Ruby, Sapphire, and monstermmorpg monster Gengharoo Emerald and all of Generation IV. Generation V games removed the frame option.
In the Japanese version of Black, White, Black 2, and White 2, a new option for displaying kana or kanji is added. Generation V is the first generation to have kanji used along with the standard hiragana and katakana. If switched to kana, only hiragana and katakana will be displayed. If switched to kanji, kanji characters will also appear. Kana or kanji can be chosen when a new adventure is started but can be changed at anytime via the menu.
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Route 104 (Japanese: Route 104) is a route in west Hoenn, connecting Petalburg City, Rustboro City, and Route 105. The route is divided into two halves by Petalburg Woods.
Traveling south from Rustboro, the beaten path of the route swerves to the east for a short distance before turning south toward a bridge traversing a pond. On the north side of the pond, there is a patch of soft soil that sprouts Cheri and Leppa Berry trees, with space for another. Near the patch, an old woman gives out a Chesto Berry and reminds Trainers of the regenerating ability of Berries. Also, to the west of the patch, a Fisherman is standing by the shore of the pond waiting for a battle.
On the bridge, which runs south for half the length of the pond, turns east, then returns south and connects with the opposite bank, the first set of Double Battle Trainers that one encounters in Hoenn, Twins Gina and Mia, await to challenge Trainers that cross their path. Gina and Mia will not challenge if the Trainer only has one Pokmon.
Directly east of the bridge is the Pretty Petal Flower Shop. In this shop, there are plants available for purchase. These plants are for decorating the interior
of a secret base. Also, the Wailmer Pail can be obtained by speaking to the owner of the shop.
The path resumes, going south off the bridge then turning west; here Lass Haley stands waiting for Trainers. To her east is a cut-able tree that blocks the way to a Dire HitRS or an X AccuracyE. Down the path west of Haley, is another Trainer eager for battle, Lady CindyRS or Rich Boy WinstonE. Continuing past a Trainer Tip, the pathway reaches a junction. To the south is the entrance to Petalburg Woods. To the northwest is the Pretty Petal Flower Shop, another soft patch containing Oran and Cheri Berries, as well as a guy who carries TM09 (Bullet Seed). Farther north, behind the flower shop, lies a sporadic patch of grass with wild Pokmon. A Potion, Super Potion, and Pok Ball can be found hidden in bare spots.
Two openings emerge from the south end of Petalburg Woods. The west opening, which is the main entrance and exit, comes out to a path where either Rich Boy WinstonRS or Lady CindyE is standing. The pathway, shrouded by grass here, turns east for a lengthy distance until it reaches a soft soil patch where Oran and Pecha Berries are growing, and the path promptly turns and continues south. The eastern opening leads to a ledge which runs parallel to the pathway at this point. A Pok Ball can be found near the edge of this ledge.
The pathway keeps south, past the cottage of Mr. Briney, then ends as it approaches a large patch of grass. Past the grass the path picks up again, going southeast shortly and finally meets the west entrance to Petalburg City. Two sets of short stairways, one southwest of the entrance, the other just outside Mr. Briney's cottage, lead down to a beach marking the southwest edge of the land, and the route takes to sea, down Route 105, and south towards Dewford. On the beach itself, a Youngster named Billy paces around repeatedly in a square, looking for a battle. Several hidden items can also be found scattered around. The beach provides a convenient bypass to going through the grass patch.
In the game, following the early storyline, the main character is forced to take Route 104 the other way round first, traversing from Petalburg up through the Woods towards Rustboro, since the water passage blocks the way on Route 103.
In addition, a girl in the Flower Shop will give out a Berry once per day. These are randomly selected from the first eight Berries obtainable in Hoenn.
In the HOENN region there are pairs
of TRAINERS who how to catch play with fake pokemon Pufftide challenge others
for 2-on-2 POKMON battles
must send out two POKMON, the one at
the left of the list and the top one.
Watch how POKMON are lined up.
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